The Hypocrisy of the Bush Administration.
At least all John Kerry put in his mouth was his foot.
The Republicans on the other hand have spent the past few days dealing with the salacious revelations that National Evangelical Association President and presidential advisor Ted Haggert had been paying a gay male escort for sex, not to mention buying a little crystal meth. I guess that puts a whole new spin on “visits to the Lincoln bedroom.”
The idea that this pious anti-gay crusader would get caught with his pants down would be absolutely hilarious, if it weren’t such a tragic metaphor for the deceitful hypocrisy that has come to represent the Republican Party. But then, what do you expect from a Republican administration who campaigns on an anti-gay marriage platform, but takes campaign donations from gay porn film distributors.
The Bush administration and their Republican congressional colleagues have made an art of the ability to say one thing and do another. They say they are for fiscal restraint, but have created a budget-busting deficit. They say they believe in smaller government, but want to regulate what happens in American bedrooms. They want to protect privacy, but pass legislation approving phone taps and searches without warrants. They call legislation that increases pollution “the clear skies act. They call Iraq the central front in the war on terror, even when their own intelligence resources tell them the war is only making matters worse. They have “never been stay the course,” but as Dick Cheney said last week, they are “full speed ahead” in Iraq. It’s enough to make your head spin.
Which brings us back to the Bush administrations public lynching of John Kerry last week. Kerry may have accidentally inferred that U.S. Troops were stupid, but the Bush administration treats them as though they are stupid, not to mention expendable. Kerry misspoke, but the Bush administration has misfired, sending brave and talented U.S. troops off to die in a war without cause, based on faulty if not manipulated intelligence, without adequate planning, without adequate troop levels and without adequate equipment and support. But somehow, it is Kerry’s words that are an insult to the troops.
And Ted Haggert thought he was getting fucked. He’s got nothing on our troops.
They deserve better. So on Tuesday let’s remember the lies, the deceit and hypocrisy. Let’s honor the troops by telling them the truth, by giving them some competent leadership, and maybe a plan that’s a little less “stay the course” and a little more “save our ass.” Let’s all vote Tuesday and throw the bums out.
Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend. Do you agree?
Posted by: Air Jordan | March 14, 2011 at 07:57 AM
We all know that the Bush Admin is full of fraud.
Posted by: political forum | February 10, 2007 at 05:27 AM
So we have seized the power. Now what are we going to do with it? Some would bet on us repeating the past -- the new regime quickly becomes just as corrupt as the last. Others would say JUST GO FOR IT! (Where is it written that our founders have a corner on destiny?) JUST take this puppy out for a test drive of its original intent -- universal mutual respect, comfort and security for everyone. Many say impossible without a charismatic leader. Others say impossible even with a charismatic leader unless there is a "message", one that enables us to take our Republic to a place where another gangster take-over is REALLY HARD TO DO.
For details, go to…
Posted by: Dennis Klein | January 08, 2007 at 03:06 AM
I'm not a fan of "rockthrowing" but I like it when someone "tells it like it is" which is what you did. Like many of Rev. Haggerts' religious allies, I too prayed and fasted for a particular outcome Tues. 7 November. The difference is...I was singing Halleuia, Praise God by midnight. Now with news of the last near-recount result I'm singing it again. You see, some of us read the part about wolves in sheeps clothing. Regards, MC
Posted by: Rev. Mark W. Clark | November 10, 2006 at 11:51 AM
There is lots of controversy going on regarding same-sex marriage. Need of the hour is to recognize the reality in society and address this issue.
My name is Mark Johnson, and I've been visiting RockThrower for past few months.
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Mark Johnson
[email protected]
Posted by: Mark Johnson | November 07, 2006 at 07:48 PM